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News Archive (2013-2021)


EstePerio2013 1st International Congress of Periodontology and Esthetic Dentistry, 28-29 October 2016, Baku - Azerbaijan (30.04.2013)

The Congress with 150+ participants was organized by Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology and Azerbaijani Association of Esthetic Dentistry with the support of Azerbaijan Republic Ministry of Health on 25-27 April 2013 in Baku, Azerbaijan.


''Gingival Augmentation and Root Coverage Procedures in Clinical Practice'' Workshop (22.04.2013) 


''Periodontal Diagnosis, Instrumentation, Initial Periodontal Therapy in the Clinical Practice'' Workshop (22.04.2013) 



European Federation of Peridontology (EFP) 1st Master Clinic Conference, 7-8 February 2014, Paris (France) (11.02.2014)

Dr. Cavid Ahmedeyli, President of Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology was attending EFP 1st Master Clinic Conference focused on Peri-implant Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, 7-8 February 2014, Paris (France).



European Federation of Periodontology Full Guidelines on Prevention of Periodontal and Peri-implant Diseases (15.11.2015)

Dental professionals, periodontists, hygienists, and dental students can download the full general guidelines to emerge from the ‘Prevention Workshop’, a refocussing of oral health priorities based on the conclusions of the XI European Workshop in Periodontology, held in November 2014, focusing on the prevention of periodontal and peri-implant diseases.


European Federation of Periodontology Prevention Workshop Webinar (09.11.2015)

European Federation of Periodontology Prevention Workshop Webinar hosted by Prof. Mariano Sanz, Prof. Iain Chapple, Prof. Søren Jepsen, Prof. Maurizio Tonetti on 'Effective prevention of periodontal and peri-implant diseases’.

Webinar link:

PerioBaku2015 International Periodontology Congress (28.09.2015)

The congress was held on September 25-26, 2015 in Kempinski Hotel Badamdar, Baku-Azerbaijan. The congress focused on recent advancements and prospects in Periodontology, including Pre-Congress Workshops by the cooperation of famous world-leading experts in Periodontology, such as Prof. Claudio Mongardini (ITALY), Prof. Giano Ricci (ITALY), Prof. Andrea Pilloni (ITALY), Prof. Roberto Rotundo (ITALY), Prof. Roberto Rossi (ITALY) establishing the presentations in the format that each session was devoted to a specific chapter of Periodontology, from etiopathogenesis to the classification of periodontal disease, from the etiological treatment to periodontal surgery.

iTOP educational seminar and hands-on course about ''Individual oral health training'' (24.09.2015)

iTOP educational pre-congress (PerioBaku2015 internatıonal Periodontology Congress) seminar and hands-on course about ''Individual oral health training'' was held for Dental Professionals on September 24th 2015 in Kempinski Hotel Badamdar, Baku-Azerbaijan. At this meeting, Dr. Fariz Emciyev, Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli, Dr. Gunay Habibzade presented their lectures with interactive disscusions about this topic. The President of Azerbaijan Society of Periodontology, Dr Cavid Ahmedbeyli lectured on ''The role of antimicrobial agents in the treatment of periodontal diseases''.


Honorary Members 2015  (01.09.2015)
By the decision of Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology Board Committee, Prof. Selçuk Yilmaz (Turkey) and Prof. Andrea Pilloni (Italy) have been granted HONORARY MEMBERSHIP for the special achievements in the development of Periodontology in Azerbaijan.


EuroPerio8 International Confrence in Periodontology, London - Great Bretagne (08.06.2015)

The members of Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology Board Committee and almost 50 dentists practising in Periodontology were attending EuroPerio8 International Confrence in Periodontology, prestigious international meeting organized by the European Federation of Peridontology and co-hosted by British Society of Peridontology, in London (UK) on 3-6 June 2015. 


''Fundamentals of Periodontal Therapy'' Seminar for undergraduate and postgraduate students of Azerbaijan Medical University  (19.04.2015) Link:

''Non-surgical Periodontal Therapy'' Seminar for Private Practice General Dentists (02.03.2015) Link:


Honorary Members 2016 (01.11.2016)
By the decision of Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology Board Committee, Prof. Nikolaos Donos (Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom), Prof. Wim Teughels (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium), Prof. Irına Makeeva (I.M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical University, Russian Federation) and Prof. Oktay Seyidbayov (Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors, Azerbaijan) have been granted HONORARY MEMBERSHIP for the special achievements in the development of Periodontology in Azerbaijan. 


EstePerio2016 2nd International Congress of Periodontology and Esthetic Dentistry, 28-29 October 2016,

Baku - Azerbaijan (01.11.2016)

The Congress with 350+ participants was organized by the cooperation of Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology, Azerbaijani Association of Esthetic Dentistry and Azerbaijan State Advanced Training Institute for Doctors Department of Stomatology and Maxillofacial Surgery with the support of Azerbaijan Republic Ministry of Health on 28-29 October 2016 in Baku, Azerbaijan. ​Main purpose of the Congress was to promote the development of Periodontology, Oral Implantology and Esthetic Dentistry in Azerbaijan; to introduce Periodontology to the dentists and general public as a separate specialization of Dentistry, to support scientific-research work in these field, to carry out enlightenment work among dentists in public and private sectors and increase their knowledge in this area.​ The congress have focused on recent advancements and prospects in Periodontology, Implantology and Esthetic Dentistry, including Pre-Congress Master-classes by the cooperation of famous world-leading international and national experts.


''Periodontal & Peri-implant Soft Tissue Reconstruction Surgery'' Workshop (28.02.2016) 


''Periodontal & Peri-implant Initial Periodontal Therapy'' Workshop (24.01.2016) 



Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology in cooperation with Geistlich Biomaterials held a seminar & workshop on "Soft & hard tissue preservation and reconstruction around teeth and implants". (25.12.2017)

EFP Perio Insight (Issue N: 5) has been published (18.12.2017)

EFP Perio Insight Autumn 2017 issue, which features a new design, contains a detailed and clear account of regenerative periodontal therapies written by Prof. Anton Sculean and a comprehensive interview with Prof. Soren Jepsen about the EuroPerio9 scientific programme.

European Federation of Periodontology invites the members of the Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology to participate in the ''EFP PerioVision Photo Contest 2018''. Participation Deadline: 26 February 2018  (12.12.2017)

EFP Perio Insight (Issue N:4) has been published   (02.08.2017)

The main article in this edition of Perio Insight is an in-depth analysis of the state of current knowledge about the role of genetics in the aetiology of periodontal disease, written by Bruno G. Loos and Deon P.M. Chin, of the Academic Centre for Dentistry in Amsterdam. This issue also includes a report on the global call for action to reduce the impact of periodontal diseases on health and well-being which has been supported by 50 international and national periodontal societies, including the EFP, Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology and its other affiliated national societies of periodontology.

European Federation of Periodontology launches project for alumni of graduate programmes  (02.08.2017)

European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) has launched the EFP Alumni project to create network based around the federation’s accredited programmes in periodontology that are now taught at 17 universities in 10 countries. Membership is open to more than 400 graduates from an EFP-accredited programme, to past and present teachers and professors at these programmes, and to members of the current or a previous EFP executive committee. Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli, President of Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology, is the first Azerbaijani Periodontist who has graduated from an EFP accredited programme in Periodontology at Yeditepe University (Turkey) in 2011.


Azerbaijan has actively celebrated 12 may European Gum Health Day (15.05.2017)


Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology became the member of the European Federation of Periodontology (04.04.2017)

Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology has been accepted as the Associate Member Society of the European Federation of Periodontology. The decision took place at the European Federation of Periodontology General Assembly held in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) on April 1st, 2017.  The membership application of the Society including the information about the National Society, main scientific and professional activities; periodontal education, research and practice in Azerbaijan have been presented at the meeting by Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli, President of Azerbaijan Society of Periodontology.

European Federation of Periodontology 2nd Perio Master Clinic, Valetta (Malta) 

2nd Perio Master Clinic focused on ''Peri-Implantitis: From aetiology to treatment'' was organised by the European Federation of Periodontology and Turkish Society of Periodontology in Malta on 3-4 March 2017. Azerbaijan was presented at the meeting by Dr. Cavid Ahmedeyli, President of Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology and other dentists practicing the Periodontology & Implant Dentistry in Azerbaijan. The aim of Perio Master Clinic meetings was to bring together clinicians with the desire to improve their skills in clinical practice to the highest levels of excellence. The faculty had been selected from the leading experts and clinicians on peri-implant diseases.




Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology has actively celebrated the 12 May 2018 European Gum Health Day, an international awareness day, jointly with the European Federation of Periodontology.

European Federation of Periodontology General Assembly was held in Vienna.

European Federation of Periodontology General Assembly was held in Vienna on March 17, 2018, with the participation of 30 EFP National Member Societies. Azerbaijan was presented at the meeting by Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli, President of Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology. EFP activities and achievements for 2017-2018, EuroPerio9, European Gum Health Day, Publications, EFP Alumni, Perio & Caries, Oral Health & Pregnancy and other important topics were discussed. Prof. Anton Sculean (Bern University, Switzerland) will  serve as the President of the EFP for the period of 2018-2019.  The gala dinner was held at Palais Ferstel Vienna Palace in the honor of the national society representatives.


Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli will talk at EuroPerio9 PerioTalks session in June 2018.

EFP hosted a special training session in Vienna with Barbara Rogoski, TEDx speaker coach, for 8 speakers that were selected for EuroPerio9 Perio Talks session where Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli (Azerbaijan) will talk about “Life experience changing national periodontology vision”. Perio Talks is the first big event created especially for EFP Alumni, the recently created group which brings together graduates and teachers of the EFP 16 accredited postgraduate programmes in periodontology. This event will be one of the innovations at EuroPerio9 in June 2018, where speakers will talk about what has inspired their professional careers.


Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology was represented at the "Medical public unions and associations involvement in the development of medical science and country health" conference.

On 19 December 2018, Azerbaijani Ministry of Health has organized a conference on "Medical public unions and associations involvement in the development of medical science and country health". The aim of the conference was to strengthen the role of professional health unions and associations in improving the national health system, shaping and implementing national health policies, and enhancing the application of scientific medical innovations and achievements in Azerbaijan. The conference was attended by chief medical specialists of the republic and more than 60 professional medical public unions and associations. Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli, the president of the Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology, had represented the Society at the conference.

EstePerio2018 3rd International Congress of Periodontology and Esthetic Dentistry held in Baku focuses on periodontal-periimplant health and digital esthetic dentistry.

On 9-10 November 2018, 3rd International Congress of Periodontology and Esthetic Dentistry EstePerio2018 was held in Baku, Azerbaijan. The meeting was organized by Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology and Azerbaijani Association of Esthetic Dentistry with the participation of almost 300 national and 50 international dentists, students and industry representatives from 13 countries in Holiday Inn Baku Hotel.


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World Diabetes Day  - 14 November 2018

Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology joins Perio & Diabetes campaign launched on World Diabetes Day by European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and SUNSTAR. The Perio & Diabetes project promotes awareness of the important links between periodontal diseases and diabetes explaining how these two diseases can be fought together.


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Azerbaijan was presented at the PerioTbilisi2018 International Conference, organized by the Georgian  Association of Periodontology.

On October 26-27 2018, Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli participated and presented Azerbaijan at the PerioTbilisi2018 International Conference in Tbilisi (Georgia), organized by Georgian Society of Periodontology. During this visit, the development and prospects of existing relations between the organisations were discussed

A new global classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases and conditions has been published.

The comprehensive classification was based upon the most contemporary evidence and includes a staging and grading system for periodontitis, indicating severity and extent of disease, accounting for lifetime disease experience and taking into account the patient’s overall health status. The complete review and consensus reports are published today simultaneously in both the Journal of Clinical Periodontology (EFP) and the Journal of Periodontology (AAP).


The new classification is the outcome of a joint workshop held by the European Federation of Periodontology and the American Academy of Periodontology in Chicago in November 2017. The workshop included over 100 experts from Europe, America, Australia and Asia who reviewed existing literature to create a global consensus that enables care to be standardised for patients around the world.


In the new classification, clinical health is defined for the first time and periodontitis is described in four stages, ranging from Stage 1 (least severe) to Stage 4 (most severe). The risk and rate of disease progression has been categorised into three grades from lowest risk of progression (Grade A) to the highest (Grade C). The grading considers risk factors such as smoking and the presence of concomitant diseases, such as diabetes.

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Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology actively participated in the work of EuroPerio9 International Confrence in Periodontology in Amsterdam

On 20-23 June 2018, EuroPerio9 International Conference in Periodontology was held in RAI Amsterdam, Netherlands. The meeting was organized by the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) and its member National Societies with the participation of 10232 dentists, students, hygienists and industry representatives from 111 countries. Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology actively participated at this global conference, being represented by 55 Azerbaijani dentists practicing in Azerbaijan and abroad, as well as post-graduate students along with the Board Committee members. Almost 10 researches, carried out by Azerbaijani scientists in the field of periodontology and implantology, were presented with the oral and poster presentations at the conference.

A laser show and a dance performance culminating with the emergence of congress chair Dr. Michèle Reners, who then welcomed everyone to EuroPerio9, saying that “the secret to success is quality speakers.” The opening ceremony also featured the flag parade in which representatives of each of the EFP’s 30 affiliated national societies took to the stage with their national flags. Azerbaijani flag during the parade was carried by Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli, the president of the Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology.

Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli (Azerbaijan), one of the 8 selected speakers, talked about “Life experience changing national periodontology vision” at the EuroPerio9 Perio Talks session in the main auditorium on 20 June 2018. Perio Talks was the first big event created especially for EFP Alumni, the recently created group which brings together graduates and teachers of the EFP 16 accredited postgraduate programmes in periodontology. This event was one of the innovations at EuroPerio9, where EFP Alumni speakers talked about what has inspired their professional careers.

Dr. Rovshan Mammadov, General Secretary of Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology and EuroPerio9 Ambassador presented Azerbaijan & National Society to the Congress Delegates at the EFP Village on 21 June 2018.


On 22 June 2018, a special "Women in Perio" meeting at the EuroPerio9 Conference was dedicated to the women members of EFP National Societies. The aim of the meeting was to build a solid women’s network for Women in Perio. Almost 10 participants from Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology attended this meeting where the role of women in dentistry and dental organizations, their ideas and future participation in EFP activities were actively discussed. 


EFP Social Media, special meeting was held for the EuroPerio9 communication team members composed of the EFP National Societies on 23 June 2018. Dr. Vafa Guliyeva and Dr. Leyla Nadirova have represented Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology at this meeting, where the social media activities performed before and during the meeting were discussed. Social media was well integrated into EuroPerio9, with a “social wall” in the exhibition hall, where Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram posts tagged “#EuroPerio9” were displayed. Scientific sessions and social events were covered by a team of 24 people led by Dr. Reena Wadia, the EFP’s social-media co-ordinator.


On the same day, the winners of the 1st EFP Photo Contest were announced. More than 300 photographs were submitted to the EFP-affiliated national societies of periodontology in the first phase of the contest, and 57 entries from 23 different countries were selected for the final stage.

After EuroPerio9 closing ceremony, most of the members of the Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology visited the ACTA (Academic Center for Dentistry), the largest modern dental faculty in Amsterdam. During the visit they were informed about the activities and new technologies at the clinic.

The next EuroPerio10 will take place in at the Bella Centre in Copenhagen (Denmark) from 2-5 June 2021. The organising committee will be chaired by Prof. Phoebus Madianos (Greece), Prof. David Herrera (Spain) as scientific chair and Prof. Nicola West (UK) as treasurer.

Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli, President of Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology, has lectured in St. Petersburg at the International Conference, organized by Russian Society of Periodontology.

On May 16 2018, Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli lectured on "Key Elements in Periodontontal Plastic Surgery for the Treatment of Gingival recessionsat the International Conference in St. Petersburg (Russia), organized by Russian Society of Periodontology and Pavlov Saint Petersburg State Medical University. The event was dedicated to the European Gum Health Day & Selected Issues in Periodontology.


Dr. Rovshan Mammadov has attended EuroPerio10 National Ambassadors Meeting in Copenhagen.

Dr. Rovshan Mammadov, Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology Vice-President & Ambassador has attended National Ambassadors Meeting in Copenhagen on November 29, 2019. Active participation of National Societies in the advertising and marketing campaign related to the of EuroPerio10 International Conference in Periodontology (2-5 June 2021, Copenhagen) have been detailed discussed at this meeting joining EuroPerio10 Organizing Committee and representatives of 37 countries.

Dr. Aslan Mammadov has lectured in St. Petersburg at the International Conference organized by Russian Society of Periodontology.

On October  30 2019, Dr. Aslan Mammadov, Vice President of Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology & EFP Azerbaijani Delegate lectured on "Improvement of predictability with soft and hard tissue augmentation in aesthetic area of dental implants" at the International Conference in St. Petersburg (Russia), organized by Russian Society of Periodontology and Pavlov Saint Petersburg State Medical University.

Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli has lectured in Moscow at the International Conference organized by Russian State Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery.

On October 25 2019, Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli lectured on "Surgical Treatment of Gingival recessions: Key Points in Clinical Practice at the International Conference in Russian State Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery (Moscow) dedicated to the topic Soft & Hard Tissue Regeneration in Periodontology & Implantology”.

Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli has lectured in Tehran at the International Periodontology Conference organized by Iranian Academy of Periodontology and was accepted to the Editorial Advisory Board of "Journal of Advanced Periodontology and Implant Dentistry".

On October 8-11 2019, Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli was officially invited to attend 19th International Periodontology Conference organized by Iranian Academy of Periodontology. He lectured on "Single & Multiple Gingival recessions: Key Points in Periodontal Plastic Surgery at this meeting.

Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli was invited to the Editorial Advisory Board of "Journal of Advanced Periodontology and Implant Dentistry"(, official publication of Iranian Academy of Periodontology. This journal is dedicated to current advanced topics in the filed of periodontology and dental implants and  includes all topics pertaining to periodontology, including the biologic, microbiological, and immunologic aspects of periodontology and implantology, as well as  clinical periodontics, oral implantology and systematic reviews. 

Periodontology was recognized as the speciality in Azerbaijan.

The speciality of Periodontology was recently recognized in Azerbaijan by Cabinet of Ministry of Azerbaijan Republic.


Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology (PERIOAZ) started the active campaign for speciality recognition in 2017, immediately after being accepted into European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) family at the general assembly in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) in 2017. Both Cavid Ahmedbeyli (President) and Aslan Mammadov (EFP Delegate) were in close contact with key authorities from Azerbaijani Ministry of Health and main universities in order to get the recognition of Periodontology as the specialty. 


The position paper including the general information about main activities of PERIOAZ and EFP; global EFP projects with the aim of prevention of oral diseases and increasing awareness of the impact of periodontal disease on general health among dentists, non-dental professionals and public; full translation in national language and dissemination of these projects in the country; world-wide recognized specialities in dentistry; the importance of speciality recognition in Azerbaijan with the future tremendous effect on early diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease in partnership with the other recognized medical specialities and positive impact on the level of undergraduate and postgraduate periodontal education; the key facts about recent recognition of the speciality in Turkey and other European countries were prepared and send to the government officials at different times. The National Society was also the pioneer for the recognition of other dental specialties (Endodontics, Restorative Dentistry, Orthopedic Dentistry, Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics). Until recent, only General Stomatology (Dentistry) and Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery were recognized specialities in Azerbaijan. 


The speciality recognition will increase the motivation for the postgraduate periodontal education and help getting automatic government equivalency for the recognition of their postgraduate dental education diploma that they have received from universities abroad. Furthermore, it will help the patients in government and private clinics get easier access for more dedicated specialist diagnosis and treatment of severe periodontal and peri-implant diseases and reduce its negative level on national healthcare system.

Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology has actively celebrated 12 May Gum Health Day, an international awareness day, jointly organised by the European Federation of Periodontology and its 37 affiliated members. Activities took place under the slogan ‘Healthy gums, beautiful smile’.


European Federation of Periodontology General Assembly was held in Bern.

European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) General Assembly was held in Bern on March 29-30 2019, with the participation of 30 EFP National Member Societies. Azerbaijan was presented at the meeting by Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli, President of Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology and Dr. Aslan Mammadov, Vice-president of Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology & EFP Delegate. 


Prior to the General Assembly, representatives of National Societies were invited to visit the University of Bern (UniBern), one of the most prestigious educational institutions in the world, where they have been informed about the research laboratories and scientific activities of the university along with modern phantom and patient clinics. At the initiative of president of EFP, Prof. Anton Sculean, the delegates have visited the Swiss Parliament, where they were informed about the Parliament and the country's governance.


EFP activities and achievements for 2018-2019, New Perio Classification, 12 may Gum Health Day, Recent Publications, Perio & Cardio project  and other important topics were discussed at the EFP General Assembly. Prof. Filippo Graziani (Pisa University, Italy) will serve as the President of the EFP for the period of 2019-2020. The official welcome dinners were held at Swiss Parliament and Gurten in the honor of the national society delegates.

Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology takes message to endocrinologists about the relationship of periodontal diseases and diabetes.

On 23 February 2019, Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli lectured on “Periodontal Disease & Diabetes Mellitus: Key Points” at the International Conference of Endocrinologists in Baku, organized by Azerbaijani Society of Endocrinology. The presentation was aiming to disseminate European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) Perio & Diabetes project, that promotes awareness of the important links between periodontal diseases and diabetes; explaining how these two diseases can be fought together. During the presentation, detailed information about the current activities of the Perio Society,  the highlights of the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of periodontal disease in diabetes patients have been provided to almost 250 endocrinologists. Prof. Antonio Ceriello (Italy), Perio-Diabetes Workshop 2017 co-chair from International Diabetes Federation (IDF), was also one of the keynote speaker at this conference. He delivered the lecture about the “Prediabetes and its Management.“


Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology - European Federation of Periodontology Online Meeting.

On 17 December 2020, Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology (PERIOAZ) had a very fruitfull online meeting with European Federation of Periodontology (EFP). Together with EFP President Xavier Struillou and European Co-ordinator Monica Guinea, PERIOAZ President Cavid Ahmedbeyli, EFP Delegate Aslan Mammadov and EuroPerio Ambassador Rovshan Mammadov existing high-level cooperation and aspects of deepening the future collaboration have been discussed.

European Federation of Periodontology On-line General Assembly

European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) on-line General Assembly was held on October 3 2020, with the participation of 37 EFP National Member Societies. Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology was presented at the meeting by President Cavid Ahmedbeyli, EFP Delegate Aslan Mammadov, Project Coordinator Hanife Musayeva, EuroPerio10 Ambassador Rovshan Mammadov and Event Coordinator Leyla Nadirova.

Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology has actively celebrated 12 May Gum Health Day, an international awareness day, jointly organised by the European Federation of Periodontology and its affiliated members. Activities took place under the slogan “Say No To Bleeding Gums”.

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Dr. Cavid Ahmedbeyli has attended EFP Perio Master Clinic Conference in Dublin 

EFP Perio Master Clinic 2020 focused on ''Hard- and soft-tissue aesthetic reconstructions around teeth and dental implants'' was organised by the European Federation of Periodontology and Irish Society of Periodontology in Dublin on 6-7 March 2020.

Azerbaijan was presented at the meeting by Dr. Cavid Ahmedeyli, President of Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology.


European Federation of Periodontology celebrates 30 years of promoting periodontal health

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Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology Society online meeting with European Federation of Periodontology and Georgian Society of Periodontology

Online meeting was organized with the participation of President of the European Periodontology Federation (EFP) Lior Shapira, European Coordinator of the Federation Monica Guinea, President of the Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology Cavid Ahmedbeyli, EFP Azerbaijani Delegate Aslan Mammadov, EuroPerio Azerbaijani Ambassador Rovshan Mammadov, President of the Georgian Society of Periodontology Tatia Rokhvadze, EFP Georgian Delegate & EuroPerio Ambassador Lali Kochiashvili. Current activities and projects, coordination and partnership between EFP and Societies, aspects of future cooperation and other important issues on the agenda were extensively discussed at the meeting.


Lior Shapira, President of the European Periodontology Federation, presented to the meeting participants the brief summary of main recent activities and projects such as achievement of the highest impact factor in Dentistry by Journal of Clinical Periodontology; successful virtual 12 May Gum Health Day; EFP PerioWebinar, PerioTalks and EuroPerio virtual event series; preparations to the EuroPerio10 International Conference in Copenhagen 2022; "Time to take gum disease seriously: The societal and economic impact of periodontitis" recent article in Economist 2021. He also received the feedback of the Azerbaijani and Georgian National Societies.


Cavid Ahmedbeyli, President of the Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology informed about the activities and achievements of the Society such as the recognition of the Periodontology as the speciality; active celebration of 12 May Gum Health Day; adaptation of postgraduate education, continuous dental education and  state certification of oral healthcare specialists in accordance with EFP criteria; translation to the national language and dissemination of the new classification, projects and guidelines. He also presented the information about future activities and the proposals from Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology. Cavid Ahmedbeyli pointed out the friendship and good collaboration of the Azerbaijani and Georgian National Societies of Periodontology.

PERIOAZ-EFP Meeting 2021

Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology has actively celebrated 12 May Gum Health Day, an international awareness day, jointly organized by the European Federation of Periodontology and its affiliated members. Activities took place under the slogan “Gum Diseases are Preventable”.


Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology has actively participated in EuroPerio10 International Confrence in Periodontology in Copenhagen.

On June 15-18, 2022, EuroPerio10 international conference in periodontology was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, organized by the European Federation of Periodontology. Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology, the full member of the European Federation of Periodontology, actively participated and supported this event, which was attended by about 7,200 representatives from more than 100 countries. At the world-renowned conference with more than 130 speakers and a scientific program consisting of 41 sessions, our country was represented by the members of the Board of Committee of the Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology, as well as about 40 Azerbaijani dentists practicing in Azerbaijan and abroad, as well as post-graduate researchers. Also, at this conference, the results of about 10 researches conducted by Azerbaijani scientists in the field of periodontology and implantology were presented as oral and poster presentations.

Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology has actively celebrated 12 May Gum Health Day, an international awareness day, jointly organized by the European Federation of Periodontology and its affiliated members. Activities took place under the slogan “Treat Your Gums”

Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology becomes full member of European Federation of Peridontology.

Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology was elected a full member of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) at the General Assembly of the Federation held on March 26, 2022 in Vienna with the participation of 37 countries that are members of the Federation.

At this event, our country was represented by the President of the Society, Cavid Ahmadbeyli, and the Vice-president & Azerbaijani Representative in the Federation (EFP Delegate) Aslan Mammadov.

Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology was elected an Associate member of the Federation at the General Assembly of the European Periodontology Federation held in Santiago de Compostela, Spain in 2017. According to the By-Laws of the European Federation of Periodontology, only countries that are European countries according to the World Health Organization and have successfully completed a 5-year associate membership period in the Federation can apply for full membership. Taking into account the activities of the Azerbaijan Periodontology Society during the period of associate membership and the important changes achieved in the field of Periodontology in Azerbaijan during the last 5 years, the European Federation of Periodontology, the full membership application addressed by the Society to the Executive Committee of the Federation was welcomed and included in the agenda of the General Assembly held in Vienna.

Cavid Ahmedbeyli, The President of Society, informed the delegates of the General Assembly, the activities of the Society in Azerbaijan and the Federation in recent years and the achieved achievements; state approval of the periodontology specialty and the new periodontology residency program in higher education institutions; updated periodontology training program in continuous medical education, certification of oral healthcare specialists in accordance with modern requirements, as well as the EFP new international classification of periodontal and peri-implant diseases, translated publications such as educational campaigns (Perio&Caries, Perio&Diabet, Perio&Cardio, Oral Health&Pregnancy) in Azerbaijani, proposals and future activities. An official certificate was presented to our country, which was elected as a full member of the Federation. Azerbaijan became the first European country to join the ranks of the European Periodontology Federation as a full member among the member countries of the Commonwealth of Independent Countries.

Rovshan Mammadov has attended EuroPerio10 National Ambassadors Meeting in Vienna

Dr. Rovshan Mammadov, Azerbaijani Society of Periodontology Vice-President & EuroPerio 10 Ambassador has attended National Ambassadors Meeting in Vienna on 25 March 2022. Main topics related to the EuroPerio10 International Conference in Periodontology (15-18 June 2022, Copenhagen) were discussed in detail at this meeting, which was attended by the EuroPerio10 Organizing Committee and National Ambassadors. After the meeting, Ambassadors had the graffiti workshop where they had drawn personal graffiti using colored paints on a specially allocated wall.

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